Wednesday, March 26, 2008

first event tips and persona info

alright......a lot of this info is gonna be "duh!" type stuff........but some of it might end up being stuff that seems common sense, but really isn't............

feel free to take what you need, use it, and ignore what doesn't apply!!

i'm mainly talking about SCA events, though a lot of this will apply cross-organizationally (i think i made up a word there........)(SCA will most likely be reffered to as 'the society' for the rest of this monologue, and stands for the Society for Creative Anachronisms....... )

first off, on the topic of going to your first event...........some things to think about.........

what type of event is it?? by this, i mean is it camping, a day trip, a tourney, a schola or university, something completely differnt, all of the above...........make sure you read the event announcement fully, as different gear will be needed for different types of events............a good first event is a day trip, becuase no camping gear is needed, and you can get the feel of an event without worrying about getting camping gear, setting up a tent, living in a bunkhouse, or dealing with overnight issues...............if you are already a camper, then a camping event is an okay first event, or if you have friends that do this regularly adn can give you pointers............

what season is it?? and if it's away from your home, what season is it where the event is????? if it's winter, you will need different garb than if it's summer........this is kinda a no-brainer, but what people don't remember is that even in summer, it can get damn cold at night!!! i've had summer events that i can see my breath after the sun goes down........and winter events that have hit 60degrees!! no matter the event, especially if it's camping, make sure you pack plenty of warm stuff (when i say every blanket you own, i really mean every blanket, every afghan, every large peice of warmish fabric.........yes, i've had to do this, plus wear layers to bed, in the summer!!) also, if it's winter-ish, make sure you have things like tea, hot choc, and chemical summer, pack lots of water/propel/liquids that don't spoil................and for either, a change of clothes that are appropriate..................for winter events, if you get wet, you can get hypothermia; for summer, sweating heavily can make you smell funny!! and yes, seasons do change from place to year, we hit 'peak spring' three different weekends running.........raleigh NC, where everything was just in bloom; then home (martinsburg WV), where everything was just in bloom; then kutztown PA, where everything was just in bloom!! also, is the event in the mountains, it will get colder at night there than on lowlands.............think of things like this!!! is your friend!!!

if you don't already have a persona, or are just trying this out, garb for first events can be as simple as getting in touch with a local group, and borrowing goldkey (loaner garb).........or wearing plaid pajama pants and a large, simple T-tunic (or broomstick skirts and peasant blouses)(jeans and poet shirts)..............or as complex as you want it to get!! i would suggest that if you don't know whether or not you are going to continue with this fascinating hobby, that spending a lot of money on first event garb isn't always a good idea..............
and yes, some people might give you a hard time for "bad garb", but the simple explanation that this is your first event usually shuts them up.............if it doesn't, i usually suggest a respectful "piss off, i'm a newbie" works as a last resort.................and i do mean a last resort!!

one of the things that you always need to remember: ASK QUESTIONS!!!!! don't be shy, obviously pick your time and understand if someone can't talk right this moment, but if you don't ask, how are you supposed to learn?? most of us that do this are more than willing to talk someones ear off, waxing enthusiastic over this hobby that we polite and respectful, but if something makes you curious, just ask!!!!! nothing is a silly question, especially when started wiht "pardon me milord/milady/good gentles, this is my first event, and i saw you were doing/wearing/carrying xyz, and i'm really wondering......" there really are some weird things we do/wear/carry, and some of them are period, some of them are society-specific, but asking questions is how we learn! i always tell this to 'mundanes', newbies, adn ren faire patrons.........if they have any questions, just ask; whether it's something in our booth and they dont' know what it is/how it's used, or it's something i'm wearing or doing.........
a good idea that goes along with this, is keeping a small notebook and writing implement in your pouch/purse/bag of holding.........if someone starts talking, feel free to take notes!! most people will have websites or books to check out, where they found the original research, or suggestions of things you might find interesting to read............and also, this way you can write down people's contact info, or what you saw that you want to go back to and look into further.........or any ideas on getting further into this lifestyle!

and now, onto persona................

there are a few (!) resources online for this...........again, feel free to have no clue for a while when you first start doing this........feel free to play around, and not really fixate on one time/place/era if you don't really want to for starters............
around here, we practice what is generally known as multiple persona disorder (MPD), which can happen in several different ways........this first is more difficult, and generally less which someone has an entirely differnt back story for every different time period/era/personality they take on...............this happens more in a living history type situation, but can also happen in the society.........
the second, more common, form of MPD, is when someone has a basic persona (i'm oonagh rabenwald du stravnos of madrai mora, and i'm a clanlady, blacksmith's apprentice, and gypsy) and then wears/does/makes whatever catches their eye or interests.............for instance, i work with metal, fabrics, and fibers mainly............i wear viking, persian/turkish, indian, and romani (i'm still working on that stuff!)..............i sew, weave, knit, lampwork, blacksmith, bellydance, run a merchant booth, and take any class that catches my eye (amazons in history, anyone??).......this makes things easier in some ways, and is what i suggest for newbies that really don't know where they want to go with this, or are much too fascinated by too many different things to settle down quickly........
for newbie MPD, i suggest making an outfit from any culture that interests you.......instead of deciding right off the bat that you are an elizabethan noble, do the research, wear an outfit, and then think about it...............if you can't stand the clothes, than maybe elizabethan noble isnt' where you want to go!! and the same applies for viking, burgundian, french, or anything else......(asian, tudor, indian, native american, mongolian........the list goes on..........)

on choosing a persona..............there are many websites that give great info on this process..........

for starters, the 'duh' resource is ...........their newcomer's resource guide is on their homepage, or here....... ............this will link outwards, to places that are suggested...........lots of resources...........

next, try , a good intro to building a persona.............

this guide seems to be very well put together......... , and the sibling site for detailed questions for a detailed persona.........

for the very basics, i found a website for mainly american (french-indian war?) reenactors, but the questions still apply............(vaguely edited, but good)

*1.What is your name?
*2.What year is this?
*3.Where are you from?
*4.What is your station in life? Are you wealthy, middle class, poor?
*5.What do you do for a living?
6.What is you religion?
7.What do you wear? [This answer will be affected by the first five questions above]
8.Who do you live with?

9.What is your typical daily menu?
10.What do you do for fun?
11.How were you educated?
12.What medical care is available to you?
13.Can you read or write?
14.How did you learn your trade? (see #5. )
15.Is your 'station in life' likely to change ? How?

The first five (*) are the most important, first things to think about….from 9-15 are other interesting info

i hope this all helped..............i know it's a little wordy, but this can be a very in-depth next guide will most likely be surviving your first pennsic...............and yes, these guides are quite a bit aimed at a certain magpie, but they are good info for anyone looking to get into this wonderful, maddeningly addictive hobby/lifestyle!!!

if anyone notices anything wrong here, or has anything to add, or has any questions if i've been obtuse or forgot something; leave me a comment, ask a question...........

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