Friday, January 18, 2008


so yeah, the word of the week is conjuctivitis..............much more commonly known as pinkeye......

the monkey has it..............and when the eyedrops say every four hours for the first two days, we take it seriously................meaning i stayed up and dropped her at midnight, and set an alarm and got up at four am, and then did it again at 8am................and then noon, 4pm, 8pm...............and again midnight and 4am and 8am......................
and then, thank all the gods, we can drop down to four times a day for 5 days..............
i really hate interuppted sleep, but being that this is stupid kinds of infectious, will spread with barely a thought, and my lord and i don't have health insurance................we are kicking this thing as hard as it stays kicked.

on that note, i have recently found a really cool website.............

yeah, it's called kids health, but it has a section for parents, kids themselves, and teens..............and it covers all sorts of things, from physical things, wounds, mental health stuff, and other things like deaths in the family and bullying...............
and has decent info that is easy to assimilate, even if there is no kid uses smaller words to explain difficult concepts.............which, even as a grownup, can make health a lot easier to understand!!

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