on knitting......
i guess you could almost call it waldorf. as in the school.
the way that this teaching technique was (simplistically) explained to me is learn to walk before you can run. this can translate into practically anything you would want to learn how to do......
take a baby. we teach children how to talk before they can read, right?? it's the same way you should teach any language (as long as you're not a high school classroom!), by teaching how to speak a language before you are taught how to read it, write it, or translate it.
this method tends to be popular for learning violin.......students are taught how to play before they are taught how to read music.
i'm kinda teaching myself knitting the same way..............
i've only ever made one thing from a pattern, and i ended up changing that too..........i've done a lot of small things, teaching myself stitches and patterning.......i taught myself how to cable, from printed directions (in the knitpicks catalogue!!)............and have since used it to design two items, one the solipsis snake (taken from redshirt knitting's solipsis pouch pattern here
http://redshirtknitting.com/?page_id=376 )...........and one an oddly hideous camera sleeve.......
and the next project is going to be a laptop sleeve, or a belt purse, or a hat for drogo.....they are all in line, it just depends on what i'm in the mood to work on next!! (there also might very well be something else in there, i mean really, the camera sleeve was thought up around mid-afternoon yesterday, and finished before bed last night......from idea to finished project in several hours, i think i need bigger projects!)
i've also decided that i'm currently working on small things mostly so i keep my interest........kind of an instant gratification thing going on here.........i haven't done anything lately over about 1ft sq............that will change soon, i have a few larger projects in my brain...........and some more small ones!!
on another note...........this computer is officially mine now, drogo's new one came in yesterday..........so i get to play with the wallpaper, change around the icons..........rearrange the favorites listings............knit said laptop cozy........knit myself a laptop bag...........heeheehee, this feels great!! he's still gonna need to use it sometimes, it'll prolly go on the road with us occasionally, so the ebay functions etc will still need to be there.........but i get to hide them in little, overlookeable folders marked with his name, that i never need to work around again.........
also, on yet another note, i've been researching drop spindles...........i remember seeing an article a while back on a guy that made art spindles (that work!), using saucers and cogs and stuff like that, found objects...........if anyone else has either seen this article (so i know i'm not hallucinating!) or even better, knows where it is............drop me a line............i'd be terrible grateful, drogo needs inspiration for his perspiration (it's really too early to be blogging, i haven't had any caffeine yet!) and he's gonna be making drop spindles soon........
thx all...............